Life Members
Section 2.1 - Membership Conditions
Class B: Life Member
A Life Member shall be a dentist who meets one of the following criteria on the date of application and is accepted by vote of membership. An Active Member who fulfills any one of the following requirements may submit in writing via post, fax or email, a request for change in status to Life Member:
- has been an Active Member in good standing for a period of thirty-five (35) years or more.
- has been an Active Member in good standing and has reached the age of sixty-five (65) years or has retired from active practice and/or teaching.
- has been an Active Member in good standing and is permanently disabled and unable to practice.
Life membership fees are to be valid in the next fiscal year of membership, after life membership status is granted.
The term of membership of a Class B member shall be annual, subject to renewal in accordance with the policies of the Corporation. As set out in the articles, each Class B member is entitled to receive notice of, attend and vote at all meetings of members and each Class B member shall be entitled to one (1) vote at such meetings. Class B Life members shall be entitled to hold office if elected by a vote of the membership.
Class D: Non-Resident Life Member
A Non-Resident Member shall be a dentist who, fulfils the requirements for Life Member but resides outside of Canada and is accepted by vote of membership.
Class D membership shall be available only to individuals that have applied or been nominated and have been accepted for Class D membership in the Corporation by a vote of membership.
The term of membership of a Class D member shall be annual, subject to renewal in accordance with the policies of the Corporation. Subject to the Act and the articles, a Class D member shall be entitled to receive notice of and attend meetings of the members of the Corporation, but is not entitled to vote or hold office.
Section 6 - Application
6.3 An applicant shall officially become a member upon approval of his/her application by the Executive Council, a sub committee thereof or by the President as the Council’s nominee, and acceptance by the membership at an Annual General Meeting.
Section 4 - Membership Dues, Termination and Discipline
4.1 Membership Dues
(b) Class B Life Members may be assessed annual membership fees not to exceed one third (1/3) of the annual fee charged to Active Members. The board of directors has discretion to waive these fees;
(d) Class D Non-Resident Life Members may be assessed annual membership fees not to exceed one third (1/3) of the annual fee charged to Non-Resident Active Members. The board of directors has discretion to waive these fees;
If you are not in the list below and qualify for Life Membership, you may make your application for the FOLLOWING membership year by submitting our Life Member Application form or sending an email or regular mail request to the Executive Council c/o the APC administrator.